Your School + TMS


 “Educating young people to become global citizens will allow them to learn about the interdependence of the world’s systems, believe that solutions to global challenges are attainable, feel morally compelled to confront global injustices and take responsible action to promote a just, peaceful and sustainable world.” – Fleet + Winthrop

We envision a global network of classrooms in which project based learning, cross-cultural communication, and the development of 21st Century skills are a part of every student’s educational experience.

What could a TMS global dialogue look like? TMS students in the U.S. producing Oral History films about the Civil Rights Movement, and TMS students in India responding with youth produced documentaries about their country’s Independence. TMS educators facilitate the process of producing and understanding the stories through historical research, contextualization, comparison and personal reflection. [read more]

Join the Dialogue! If you want to connect students from anywhere in the world to a TMS classroom using technology, contact us!

We are eager to collaborate with classrooms around the world by:
• exchanging digital postcards about pertinent global issues
• engaging in email penpaling
• bringing the voices of our students to your classroom through TMS signature curriculum
• partnering in producing media of personal, communal and global importance!

As educators, we’re always open to new ideas and forms of collaboration.

If you are a school in India, the U.S. or anywhere on the globe interested in bringing TMS programming to your classroom, contact us!

Past Exchanges

2013 TMS Fellow Nicole connected her students to Boston Public School students in Dorchester. TMS students produced a digital postcard about their festival, Ganeth Chatuthri while TechBoston Academy students produced postcards in return about Halloween! Students also wrote emails to each other about the everyday routines in their lives.

IMG_00682013 Fellow Nelle Dunlap spearheaded a collaborative social justice and art-making project that stretched between two continents. Students between the ages of 8 and 14 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, and Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India were given prompts and art-making tools to explore their ideas about water. Their drawings, audio recordings, photographs, videos, and writing are uploaded to a communal blog, where the youth viewed and commented on each others’ posts. This call-and-response between cultures culminated in an art action, as students presented a collaborative public artwork which brought attention to their discoveries.

TMS WORKSHOPS at The Children’s Creativity Museum in San Francisco
TMS Founders Piya and Remy taught a series of workshops to Bay Area kids who learned about the lives of TMS students and made digital postcards in response. The exchange culminated with a featuring of TMS media in the museum’s spiral gallery.

Watch & learn more about our international collaborations

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